Bevvy Tea

Y’all this stuff……is SO good!
So I use Crystal Lite a lot because I get tired of plain water BUT honestly its not the best for us. It’s artificially sweetened & there’s no real nutrition value.
But THIS tea!! This tea has fiber to help me feel fuller so it reduces cravings & overeating so it can actually aid weight loss!!!
& it taste yum!!
Bevvy Tea for the WIN! 💓

Bevvy Tea


Honestly without a schedule or to do list not much really gets accomplished.

I know for myself I have to use my planner. I live by that thing. Some may say that sounds like its ruling my life but honestly it’s what keeps me organized, on track, less overwhelmed, less chaotic, on time, & gives me freedom! When you manage 4 people every single day plus run several businesses you must work from a list!

All the time I hear people say “I don’t have time” for this or that but the truth is they’re unorganized & do their tasks in a chaotic way which takes more time. With a daily schedule we get more done which means we have time for those things we THINK we don’t have time for like fitness or preparing & cooking healthy meals or starting that new business or…..

& to me more time = freedom ❤️

I know there are several phone apps but I’m a pen to paper kind of girl so that’s what I do. Figure out what works best for you! I promise it’ll change your life for the better!

Eating Healthy with Delicious Recipes

Diet Check: 5 Amazingly-Easy and Healthy Recipes

You can workout every day, but if you are not eating healthy, you will not see the results you want. Eating healthy can be intimidating, but it can also be delicious and easy. With these dishes below you can create healthy, quick and fast meals that your whole family can enjoy. 

Smoothie Bowl

This smoothie bowl can be the perfect breakfast, post-workout snack, or dessert after a long day.  Combine your favorite fruit, granola, and acai for a healthy, sweet treat. 


  • 1 cup almond milk
  • ½ cup unsweetened frozen strawberries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 packet acai (found in the frozen section at health food store)

Place in blender and mix until blended.

Option one- Top with bananas, strawberries, chia seed, and flax seeds

Option two- Top with bananas, strawberries, granola, and honey

Bean Bowl

Bean bowls are a quick and healthy lunch or dinner where you can toss together your favorite beans and veggies to create a simple yet delicious meal.


  • Beans of your choice (black, pinto, other)
  • Quinoa
  • Chopped onion
  • Chopped tomato
  • Chopped cilantro
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Avocado

Combine above ingredients together in a bowl and enjoy.


Spaghetti is a classic comfort food that your whole family will love.  Traditional spaghetti is loaded with carbs, which can leave you feeling bloated and tired.  This light and healthy alternative is the perfect way to get your spaghetti craving filled. 


  • Spaghetti squash
  • Organic spaghetti sauce (look at label for minimal ingredients)
  • Parmesan cheese

Cut the spaghetti squash in half, scoop the seeds out, lay face down on baking sheet, and cook for 45 minutes to an hour at 350 degrees.  Once cooked and cooled, scrape the strands with a fork.  Top with spaghetti sauce and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.  Serve with a side of your favorite salad.

Salmon and Veggies

Salmon and veggies are a quick and versatile meal that can be had any time of day.  You can use your favorite veggies to mix things up and keep your family asking for more.  


  • Cooked salmon, seasoned with garlic salt and pepper
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Cooked veggies (broccoli and bell peppers cooked in coconut oil and Himalayan salt)

On a plate, make a bed of romaine lettuce and place the cooked salmon and veggies on top. 


Shakeology is the perfect breakfast, post-workout snack, or treat to satisfy your sweet tooth. Mornings can be busy rushing off to work of getting your kids to school.  The last thing you want to think about is making a big meal.  After a workout you are tired and want to relax, not think about cooking and having to clean up after.  Shakeology is easy and fast to get your morning started or it is the perfect post-workout fuel. 


  • Banana
  • 1 TBS PB2
  • ¼ cup oats
  • 1 scoop vegan chocolate Shakeology
  • Ice
  • 2 ½ cups water

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.We all have busy lives that can be overwhelming.  Eating healthy does not have to take a lot of time and it can be delicious for the whole family.

For tips on eating better and possibly having me on board to help you with your fitness goals on a more personal and focused level, send me a message today!

finding a personal trainer online

Finding the Right Personal Trainer Online

Finding a personal trainer can be overwhelming.  Most personal trainers cost a lot of money and you have to work around their schedules and travel to meet them.  Most people don’t have that kind of time or money. However, having a personal trainer can keep you accountable, provide support, and help you get the results you want. So, how do you get a personal trainer that doesn’t cost you a ton of money and where you get to work out on your own time in your own home?  At, we are here to help.  

If you are looking to lose weight, gain confidence, and feel better overall but also want to save time and money, Beachbody is the perfect balance.  You can find the right workout for you and do it any time of day or night. Along with a balanced diet, you will see results and never had to leave your house. 

What is Beachbody? 

Beachbody is an online fitness and weight-loss program designed with everyone in mind.  With a variety of workouts and nutrition programs, everyone can find an exercise they love. You can workout on your own time and in your own home, or even on vacation.  You can pick a short workout if you don’t have a lot of time or a longer, more intense workout if you want an extra challenge.  You will also have a personal coach to encourage you and help you along the way.  Coaches are there to help you achieve your fitness goals.  

Beachbody Programs

Not all fitness programs are designed for everyone. That is what makes Beachbody great. There are so many different options, you are bound to find something you love and will stick to. 


P90X is a 90 day program with 12 different workouts to get you in shape.  It comes with a nutrition plan, fitness guide, and workout calendar. Workouts vary from resistance and body-weight training, cardio, martial arts, yoga, and ab work. 


Insanity is a 60 day program that requires no weights or gym.  There are 45 workouts that range from 15-60 minutes that are advanced cardio so you know they will give you great results.

21 Day Fix

With 21 Day Fix you get the perfect workout and nutrition plan that helps you lose weight. Combine the nutrition plan with 30 minute workouts each day that are easy to follow and provide fast results. 


PiYo combines Pilates and yoga into the perfect muscle sculpting workout.  No weights are required and is perfect for every age and fitness level.  

Hip Hop Abs

If you like to dance, Hip Hop Abs is perfect for you. This program is designed for 60 days and workouts range from 25-45 minutes to provide you with the best cardio hip hop routine. It is great for beginners and will get your metabolism working for quick results

At, we want to help you find the perfect workout and nutrition plan that will lead you to a happy and healthy life.  You don’t have to pay a lot of money to get the support and results you want.  Our online programs get you in shape and let you do it from the comfort of your own home.

Click here to get started by sending me a message about your fitness goals today!

Death can breathe life…..

There are so many lessons in each day, in big events & stressful situations if we can see them.

This week we lost my grandma & celebrated my dads day (his death anniversary) & as I sit here this AM riding my bike I’m reflecting….

Death can breathe life if we let it.

It can remind us that once we’re gone so are our dreams, aspirations, goals & things we want to do. It can remind us to not wait & to do the things we want to do NOW.

It can inspire us not take life for granted.

It can inspire us to seize opportunities & take chances.

It can inspire us to keep peace & have a joyful heart & to let go of things that disturb those things.

It can remind us to take advantage of the family & friends that we have.

It can remind us to live each day to its fullest b/c those that have passed on have no more days to live.

It can revive our zest for life & what’s ahead of us.

It can revive our faith & give us new perspectives.

There are always negative ways to look at situations & life events but I choose to try to find the good in all things.

Keeping a negative mindset keeps a negative heart.

So I’ll be shakin’ things up a bit over here if you want to join me?!!

I want to…..

I want to…


Lose weight

Gain energy

Be healthy

Have support

Learn how to eat

Get stronger

Look fit

Wear a bikini

Gain confidence


But I don’t want to:


Pay for anything

Drink that shake

Motivate myself

Join your group

Read the nutrition plan


Girl, get real with yourself.


Yeah! YOU!!

If you don’t change the way you think, nothing will change.

In fact, it may get worse. Vulnerability and investment in yourself is the only way to succeed.

When’s the last time you finished anything that was free and you were alone? Likely, never. Drop the excuses and change your life. Let’s goooooo!

If you’re interested in my help holler!

There’s NO Magic Pill

I talk with people all the time about weight loss & the truth is there’s no Magic Pill for weight loss! Its about what & how much you put in your mouth, are the workouts you’re doing enough & are you burning enough calories thru the day!!!

There are lots of workouts out there but if they don’t increase your calorie burn while you are doing them then you probably won’t see much weight loss….especially if your pretty sedentary the rest of the day.

Also…You must burn more calories than you eat.

No there’s no magic pill but sometimes just small tweaks can cause big results!

Holler if you need help!

You can hop in my Healthy Holidays group where I’ll be sharing EVERYTHING about how I stay fit, what I eat & other lil secrets to help YOU get to looking & feeling like you want!

This is a DONT MISS group!

Healthy Holidays

Do you like my hat? 😉

I keep getting msgs asking if I’m doing my Healthy Holidays 🍂🍁🎄challenge groups this year & the answer is YES!!!

I’m SO excited to announce that we are hosting one BIG long one! We’ll start Monday to help us get results before Thanksgiving 🍂🍁 (Yes! It’s totally possible to get results in 2 weeks!), enjoy that special day then hop right back on track Friday after Thanksgiving. Then the group will carry us all thru the holiday & Christmas parties 🎉, thru the month, allow us to enjoy Christmas 🎄Eve & Day then hop right back on track on the 26th thru the end of the year.

Last year we did this healthy holidays group & people actually LOST weight over the holidays instead of gained! Incredible!!! RIGHT?!!

So let’s help each other stay on track!

Email me for the deets!


I thought a blog post on motivation would be fitting for a Monday b/c it’s the most dreaded day of the week.

I believe when we lack motivation it’s b/c we lack our WHY. We haven’t really solidified our reason(s) why we want to do or achieve something in fitness, health, business or life. (Of course motivation can also be lacking if we’re not doing a job we love or a workout that’s fun BUT those are things that can always be changed!)

Example: you want to lose weight. Well most people aren’t driven enough to do that just for themselves so doing it for someONE else usually brings that motivation in that they need. So for me I’m highly motivated to be fit & healthy to be here & present for my children. My children = my WHY.

My children are actually my why for everything – health, business & life.

Everything I do is for them as like most moms. We can use that unconditional love as motivation.

If you don’t have kids maybe you have fur babies or other people that depend on you – use that as your motivation.

Motivation has to come from within b/c of that love burning deep inside you. Nobody can give you motivation. This is why if you’re to achieve anything you must determine your why then really develop it. It will be your driving force on the days you don’t want to workout, eat healthy, work on your business, work on your personal development…..

So figure out what your driving force is then put it around you – you can even write it on sticky notes so you see it often – & this will push you each & every day !!